
Schülerrückblick zum Theaterstück "Malala"

A Person I admire

Out there, in the big wide world, there are some people that have changed a lot. You might know Bill Gates, Elon Musk or Greta Thunberg. They are very popular at the moment. But today I am going to write about Malala, a girl who has changed world with just an online blog, a pen and book.
So, first of all, let me introduce Malala Yousafzai (that is her full name). She is 22 years old and lives in London. But that is not her place of birth. Originally she comes from the Swat-Valley in Pakistan. One day, when she was about 13/14 years old, the Taliban came to her city and started to terrorize the people there. But she stood up against them and went to school in spite of all the prohibitions of the terrorists. Due to this, she got shot multiple times, but she survived and told the whole world about the conditions in the valley she lived. So she became the youngest Nobel peace Prize winner in the whole world and a symbol for the right of education.
Second, I admire her absolutely because she is brave. I mean, she went to school in spite of all the danger, she continued talking after she got shot and she rose for the education of young women. I am just impressed by her, because of her braveness and her determination.
Finally, as you can see, there are a lot of good reasons why I admire her so much. Maybe it is just her courage in education, her determination to continue in spite of the danger or just her commitment for women´s rights.
So, there are a lot of good reasons anyway.

W.- D. Stückrad 10 Kl.

In der Oberstufe unserer Schule wurde vor ein paar Wochen das Theaterstück „Malala“ vom Landestheater Eisenach dargeboten. Das Stück öffnete den Blick nach Osten, Pakistan, wo Menschen unter Krieg und religiösen Extremisten ihren gewohnten Alltag vermissen und Eltern auf Zukunft ohne Krieg für ihre Kinder hoffen und zu Hause, das Gefühl eines friedvollen Lebens versuchen zu vermitteln. Das Stück verlief in englischer Sprache und hielt unser Schulpublikum in Spannung.
Wir freuen uns auf die nächste Vorstellung und sagen Danke dem Landestheater Eisenach und Frau Isabelle Küstner im Besonderen!

Theaterstck Malala

Erstellt: Freitag, 29. November 2019 19:00

Freie Waldorfschule Eisenach

Ernst-Thälmann-Str. 62 - 99817 Eisenach
Tel. 0 36 91 / 70 373 70 - info@waldorfschule-eisenach.de